10: Be More YOU in Your Business with Jenny Glick
Episode Details

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What if you had a 7-figure business, had retired your husband, and moved your family to Mexico... but while they were surfing waves, you were stuck at your desk every damn day? That's where relationship mentor and revolutionary torchbearer for women, Jenny Glick, found herself... with all the trappings of success on the outside, but deeeep in a well of burnout that only an embodied approach to business could dig her out of. The amazing news is that Jenny took misalignment in her business as an invitation to usher in an embodied era in her business, with pleasure and intuition as her guide. And an intuitive offer that landed her a multi-six-figure year with ease and grace. In this episode we get real about the toxic burnout underbelly of the wellness industry, embodied offer ideation, and what softpreneur success is reaaaaally all about (and yes it does include greeting each day with a dance party, a luscious pool swim, and a cup overflowing with spirit). If you've ever wondered how you can let go of the gripping and loosen into a more pleasure-fueled business model, this episode does not disappoint. Jenny is an initiatory catalyst of a changemaker and she will light you on your way.

We Explore:

  • How to build offers that come from deep within yourself.
  • How to build a business from a nourished and nurtured place.
  • The elephant in the living room of the wellness industry: entrepreneurs operating from burnout and adrenal fatigue (and how to move toward more alignment).
  • If your marriage is your ashram, so is your business: approaching all aspects of your life and business as a mystery school.

Jenny Glick is a former traditional marriage and sex therapist gone rogue. She's a writer, torchbearer, and change catalyst for grown-ass women. With over 25 years of showing incredible women how to unlock rich, resonant lives – without all the fluff-you-up-coachy-empowerment-bullshit – Jenny helps you thrive in fulfilling partnerships, align with the compass and map of your own being, and come alive with pleasure… through the radical act of BEING MORE YOU. A wife of 25 years, mother, entrepreneur, and questioner of everything, Jenny lives in Southern Arizona with her hubs, their dog Jane, and a whole lot of wide open space.


4:15 Create a soul-aligned business by listening to your body.

7:20 Move towards more alignment and avoid burnout.

10:55 Embrace variety in spiritual practices for better business decisions.

15:30 Identify the right path by deeply listening to yourself.

20:45 Shift from productivity to pleasure for sustainable success.

26:18 Understand how nourishment leads to true wealth in business.

32:40 Align pricing with your true value to serve clients better.

Level up all of your relationships with Jenny's signature course Your Marriage Is Your Ashram. Use the code: ALL10 for 10% off, your loved ones will thank you!

Check out Jenny's Linktree and connect with her on her Website, Instagram and YouTube

Resource Mentioned:

What's your pleasure archetype by Jenny Glick | Quiz

Connect with us on Instagram! @dawn_petrin | @elyssajakim


Pleiades 432 by Kenta Hayashi

Episode cover art for 10: Be More YOU in Your Business with Jenny Glick